Why A Bounce House Business Fails

Here are some top reasons why a bounce house rental business may fail.

1. Not Enough Renters

You may be set your foot in a bad location where there are just not enough renters. Probably inflatable rental is still a rather new idea for local residents to think as a way of entertainment, or people just don’t get interested into it.

2. Intense Competition

You are in bad luck, you are in a competitive area which has already covered by some strong competitors. They may already have a majority of royal customers in your area, or they are always have lower rental rates than yours.

3. Insufficient Marketing Budget

Starting a bounce house business already cost you a fortune on the inflatable equipment and all the other stuff, you simply don’t have sufficient budget left for marketing and promotions.

4. Marketing Strategy Went Wrong

Perhaps you put lots of efforts into one single market tunnel, but it failed to get what you expect. For example, you value your bounce house business website’s Google search engine exposure, but it seems unlikely to rank in top position no matter what you or your SEO agents do. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

5. Your Website is Hard to Use

Users can’t easily find useful information on your website, or your website is lousy and often broken. Also make sure your website is OK to visit on mobile devices, people nowadays just use phones frequently than desktops.

6. Lack of Business Experience

Your business is in a mess simply because you never operate any businesses before. The solution to this problem is to do as much researches as necessary before jumping right in and make a comprehensive business plan which cover everything.

7. Problems of Bounce Houses

Everything else is fine, then probably the cult is your bounce houses themselves. Maybe they are kind of old because you buy secondhand equipment to cut some coins at startup. Maybe they are obsolescent and not the fashion style kids love. Or maybe they are not the right type, kids want to jump and slide on one equipment, but what you got is only jump.

8. Start Too Big

You are enthusiastic about this bounce house startup idea, you do well research and find out there are so many types of inflatables to put into your inventory. Then the business goes south because you spend all that excessive money and not enough income to sustain it.

9. Start at the Wrong Time

Winter is the off season for bounce house party rental business. If you start at winter time, you’ll need to find other ways to get through. The best time to start your bounce house startup would be spring. Usually, summer is the busiest season of year. Hence if you start before summer, you will get some time to prepare.

10. Don’t Have Insurances

This may sound crazy, and I don’t know why you don’t insure your party rental business in the first place, but if you got your business into a lawsuit, you may be out of business due to big payout and attorney’s fee.

11. Not Enough Time

Bounce house business gets busy on weekends. You may already have a 9-5 job or other business going on on the weekdays, and now your weekends are also been taken away, you feel exhausted. Even you go fully on this business, you still have the opposite time table than others, you feel you don’t spend much time with your family and friends anymore.

Just failed a bounce house business

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